These edges imply a theoretical point or area at which behaviors or states or ideas become qualitatively different but do not necessarily imply inconsistency. They are in no particular grouping or order.
- justice | revenge
- compassion | selfishness
- cruelty | sadism
- adventurous | reckless
- creative | incoherent
- criminality | protest
- humor | offensiveness
- help | hurt
- help | exploit
- particleness | waveness
- self-esteem | arrogance
- pride | arrogance
- encouraging | pushy
- opinion | fact
- lie | hyperbole
- incitement | protected speech
- imagination | madness
These pairs of opposites are in no particular grouping or order.
- yin | yang
- impetuous | patient
- intuitive | cognitive
- ends | means
- the forest | the trees
- relative | absolute
- strife | harmony
- change | permanence
- progress | tradition
- naive | worldly
- heart | head
- left brain | right brain
- engaging | reclusive
- biased | objective
- aloof | connected
- emotional | rational
- closed-minded | tolerant
- destination | journey
- appearance | reality
- artificial | natural
- subjective | objective
- security | freedom
- incongruity | congruity
- asymmetry | symmetry
- feelings | ideas
- image | symbol
- followership | leadership
- sociological | psychological
- mythical | literal
- metaphorical | literal
- ironic | literal
- part | whole
- cause | effect
- rich | poor
- public | private
- darkness | light
- shadow | light
- bad guy | good guy
- cover | book
- looks | character
- personality | character
- potential | real
- quantity | quality
- enslave | liberate
- inert | active
- synonym | antonym
- same | different
- apparent | real
- theoretical | actual
- probable | actual
- particle | wave
- same | different
- apparent | real
- love | duty
- software | hardware
- probability | causation
- entangled | unentangled
- ironic | direct
- ironic | literal
- brain | mind
- infinity | eternity
- revolution | evolution
- progress | regress
- probability | causation
- aggressive | assertive
- chaos | order
- lethargy | energy
- macro | micro
- matter | energy
- pride | humility
- software | wetware
- everywhere | everywhen
- silicon | carbon
- synonym | antonym
- sequential | simultaneous
- discrete | continuous
- linear | cyclical
- immanent | transcendent
- orthogonal | parallel
- sympathy | empathy
- digital | analogue
- exteriority | interiority
- good | evil
- moral | immoral
- matter | mind
- extreme | moderate
- indistinctive | idiosyncratic
- antagonist | protagonist
- sophisticated | naive
- sophisticated | crude
- spectacular | pedestrian
- public | personal
- dialect | ideolect